Monday, April 8, 2019

Pacific Crossing Day 17

Oh what a difference 24 hrs can make. This is what we would like to do, every day. Independently, we both said, we could just sail around the world. Our feelings ride the ocean waves, when it's good, it's great. When not....

What's different? The seas are mellow, coming from just one direction. We are still heeling, of course as we are a sailing boat, but no rodeo ride, and the wind is just enough for us to sail with both sails up. And it was calm during the night, so we all slept pretty well!

My day started well with breakfast served in bed by my own chef, Tessa. She is learning to make pancakes, put her apron on, and took the whole thing quite seriously. My other chef aboard is now prepping to make bread. He also just put the kids champagne in the fridge, as, fingers crossed, it looks like we are crossing the equator tomorrow!

1000 miles to go, we are 2/3 down the road. Eight miles east of us is the first boat we have seen in a long time (well, we haven't yet actually seen the boat, but we know it's there!). We tried to hail them on the radio, but no luck so far. Funny, the excitement you feel for talking to people you have never met or even know. It's the shared journey that creates a bond.

Post script: apparently we both bought the wrong flour, corn flour instead of wheat! so no bread making until we get to the Marquesas. Tod is experimenting with making a chicken pot pie with a corn flour crust instead.

Jolanda, signing off for the Bliss crew
At 2019-Apr-09 1:04 AM UTC the position of Bliss was 02°04.08'N 128°33.71'W, with course of 201T (*T) and speed 4.7 knots. Wind speed 7.8 knots from 102T (*T)

Sent via SailMail,

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