Sunday, April 7, 2019

Pacific crossing Day 16

I have lost track of time and days, our phones will tell us the date, the sun the time.

The sun did came out again, and she was very welcome aboard. We are in the rolly, unpredicatable ITCZ (inter-tropical convergence zone) now, 4 degrees North of the equator at this time, and as was expected, the big blue puddle did not give us an easy time the last 20 hours. During our evening/night routine in the cockpit, Tessa was looking for the North Star, as she wanted to do a wish. Not much luck for her, as it was all overcast, dark clouds. We told her that in a few days the North Star would no longer be visible to us, after we cross the equator into the Southern Hemisphere. This is where the world schooling comes in, and it's fun to give her an experience that's beyond paper. She will be looking for new stars, the ones we can't see in the Northern Hemisphere.

So was not fun about the last 20 hrs? Rain, thunder, really confused seas, and discovering leaks that we didn't know of since owning Bliss for 12 years. And one of them, above my bunk, like not a little drip but more like a faucet...ah well, the sun did came out again, it's not cold and things are starting to dry.

I never imagined I would say this, but I'm starting to like ramen noodles. Tod introduces me to these high-end foods. He wanted to take me to Taco Bell on one of our first dates as I had never been to one. Well ramen noodles are now a family favorite, Tessa loves it and says it's better than ice cream! It's a to-go meal, and we dress it up a bit, when real cooking is just not an option.

Good news: Tod rigged up the tiller pilot to our Monitor Windvane, and we are now motoring hands free, in slightly less confused seas. We did hand steer just for a little while, each of us getting soaking wet, coming down below as wet puppies to dry and warm up a bit.

I'm hoping that in a couple more days we will cross the equator. A party is in the planning. Do I need to give the ocean my wedding ring to ensure our last leg will be more comfortable? I'm not sure that just some champagne will do the trick. Suggestions?

Jolanda signing off for the Bliss crew

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1 comment:

  1. Neptune is to capricious to deserve your wedding ring. But you each deserve to get rebaptized when you are initiated into his court. And a certificate (made by Tessa) for the record. Possible names.... Tessa: Turtle, goldfish, sardine, Nemo... Todd: Dolphin, whale, sailfish, octopus.... Jolanda: Oarfish, crab, marlin, ... There are others, maybe more interesting - but less flattering: Bullshark, lion fish, puffer fish, jelly fish, sea urchin. And also flattering ones. - You figure it out! As part of the ceremony, you have to move/do a pantomime imitating your namesake.


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When we are at sea, we won't be able to respond to your message, but will be able to see them, and love reading them!