Friday, December 1, 2017

In the fast lane...another passage under our belt

Mexicans love their music loud! After a 44 hrs passage, where the only sound you hear is coming from birds, winds, and our iron lady if we use it, we have arrived in the touristy part of Mazatlan. We are treating ourselves to the El Cid resort with 2 pools, cause it’s hot and humid, amigos, we are no longer in the dessert with dry heat but in the humid tropics. For $35/night  for our slip we get to use the resort with all its organized stuff, and I can stand all the buzy ness for about 2 days. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not above any luxuries, for sure not after a somewhat rough passage. We sailed 50% of the time, but the wind came directly from behind, and that assures you a rocky passage, where sleep does not seem to come. But we spotted our first whale, migrating north.

Tessa is observing that Mexican streets have a lot of trash, and that’s true, and for sure not very appealing. In resorts like this though, you don’t see it, as they have a gazillion Mexicans catering to mostly Americans and Canadians. Another observation is the general condition of sidewalks. Big portholes are common, and in our last town I almost bumped my head into barbed wire along the side walk.  I’m just to tall for this country, which lacks the annoying lawsuit culture, so just walk at your own risk.

Today we visited old town Mazatlan again, which we like a lot. Tomorrow, we will plan to set sail to Isla Isabella, the "mini Galapagos of Mexico". We loved it 2 years ago, and want to share it with Tessa again. The tricky part will be weather, but so far it looks good for a overnight stay there. In case we don't make it, and want to get a feel for it, you can read about our last visit here.

For now, I’m just parting with some pics of our last harbor Topolabambo, the dusty working town, and the world second largest deep water harbor. Really it’s hard to believe as it seems so sleepy. And some pics of colorful, old Mazatlan.

bus ride to Los Mochis, large town 30 min away

cocina economica, your choice for very simple meals

more money is spent around marinas

ah, the joy of pastries after an overnighter

Tessa trying to hail the shrimp boats on channel 16

Feeding the pigeons near the Basilica in Old Mazatlan


  1. I can't believe how old Tessa looks/is. All the best to you guys.

    1. Yes, how time flies! All the best to you too, we will keep following you to see what's next.

  2. Looks like you are having an amazing trip! The pictures are beautiful! We are starting to experience some colder weather back here so definitely jealous of your tropical climate!


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